MaryAnne Davey MaryAnne Davey

Forgiveness for Lent

What does it mean to forgive? I’ve been sitting with this question as lent begins. What in particular does it feel and look like to forgive when one does not apologize?

What does it mean to forgive?  I’ve been sitting with this question as lent begins.  What in particular does it feel and look like to forgive when one does not apologize?  I remarked to my spouse yesterday about how I can not forgive because someone (people) have not apologized to me yet.  Immediately, as those words spilled forth from my lips the image of Jesus on the cross saying, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” flashed in my mind’s eye.  I felt a flush of shame reach my cheeks and a pounding within my chest…hmm…this must be what God is calling me toward this lent.

I find loving others comes so easily to me.  At the same time, anger can erupt just as easily.  I hold onto grudges and past hurts.  I like to look at them to remind me of my victimhood.  As I do, I feel vindicated in my anger and my pain.  This is not the work of the Spirit and not the work of God.  So what does it mean to lean into forgiveness this lent?  What does it mean for me to examine my grudges and truly learn from the crucified Christ?

This journey is not an easy one but lent is not meant to be easy.  We are called into the desert with Jesus and to look at our temptations.  We are called to walk this road together with Jesus and notice what tendencies we have, what has control over us and in what ways our agency lies dormant.  This lent, I’m going to lean into this discomfort and know I am in good company.  I am going to spend some time with Jesus and learn from him.  Maybe, just maybe being in this discomfort will help release me from what holds me bound.  In fact, I think I will discover it is me who is doing the holding and the binding.  

God of forgiveness, open my heart, my hands, my eyes and my mind to your love.

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MaryAnne Davey MaryAnne Davey

Tending the Soul

Spiritual companionship is the best way for me to tend to my soul and assist others in their tending as well. If you are curious about spiritual direction here are some specifics:

At the beginning of January, I take a long journey inward.  Actually, it really begins at the end of December.  I sit in reflection of the past year, sifting through all that has been.  As memories of a triumph, challenge, heartbreak, success, or joy emerge,  I hold them up to the light.  I gently move each one so all sides can be illuminated.  The prism of the year sparkles in new ways as I sit with God and invite a fresh perspective into my heart and soul. I pray for God to show me how God sees these experiences in my life.  What have they meant for me and what have I discovered?  As I reflect on these moments, my heart teems over with gratitude for the lessons I learned, for the people I met along the way and for my own personal pilgrimage.

This tending to my soul fosters a lens of gratitude through which I gaze into the horizon of the new year.  Through this perspective life tends to make more sense and freedom rises within my mind and heart.  In many ways this experience is brought to life even further through meeting with my spiritual director.  She helps me sift through all I encounter and listens for the movement of God.

Spiritual companionship is the best way for me to tend to my soul and assist others in their tending as well.  If you are curious about spiritual direction here are some specifics:

What is spiritual direction?

Spiritual direction is an opportunity to sit with another and behold the work of the Sacred in everyday life.  The goal for many who come to spiritual direction is to grow in their spiritual journey and faith life.  When I am in spiritual direction, I love how much I begin to notice the slow work of God in my life.

What happens in a spiritual direction session?

The director creates a safe place for sharing one’s spiritual journey.  During a spiritual direction session, the director asks questions of the directee to help them see how the Divine is working in their life.  The director reflects back to the directee what they hear through the sharing of the directee’s prayer experiences.  My director’s reflections help me to understand my prayer better and how God has been trying to get my attention.

Why is it important?

Spiritual direction helps one begin to notice the way they move through the world and how this movement truly does have an impact on self and society.  Noticing the way God is present in my life allows me to have an increased openness and approach to seeing God in all things.

Who benefits from spiritual direction?

All people who are seeking to grow in their spiritual life and tend to their soul can benefit from spiritual direction.  Increasing one’s ability to reflect on life and the movement of the Sacred can open up pathways to healing and transformation. As I engage with this healing and transformation, I begin to live differently in the world.  

Tending to the soul all year long is a great gift.  Maybe this year, God is calling you to pursue a spiritual direction relationship.  It just might be the birthplace of healing and transformation you are seeking.

For a free initial spiritual direction session contact MaryAnne Davey here.

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